Thursday, 11 February 2016

Digital Security (Assignment One)

1.Would you say the passwords listed as the worst are easy to guess or hard to guess and why?
I would consider the passwords on the list to be very common and if I was going to make an attempt to gain access into someones social media account I would probably try some of those passwords. They are all very basic words or very simple assortments of numbers and I believe that if they were applied to any account the user should be worried because they are very easy to guess!

2. Have you ever used any of these passwords? If yes how do you feel about this list? If NO why not?
No, I personally have never used any of the passwords on this list because I have been using the same two passwords for years and have never been hacked so far. However, I only added a second password recently when I remade one of my social media accounts and wanted a longer, safer password that no one would ever guess after randomly typing letters and numbers into the password box. I believe that it is very important to have a long password with random numbers and letters that only the password creator can remember easily.

3. Do you think seniors and adults are more likely to use these passwords? What can we do to save them some disastrous consequences if they do?
Yes, I think that seniors and adults are more likely to use these passwords because they don't understand social media as well as teenagers do and have a higher chance of choosing something that is easy for them to remember like the passwords on the list. We could prevent the adults and seniors from using these passwords by showing them how their password is very common and can be guessed very easily. We should also teach them about what can happen if their password is guessed by a stranger on the internet, and the personal information that that person can retrieve.

4. Can you think of three extra horrible passwords not found on this list?
Three other passwords that are very easy to guess that I believe should belong on this list would be
1. Your best friend's name
2. Your mother's name
3. Your pet's name

5. How long should a modern password be to be called strong?
A modern password doesn't necessarily have to be very long, but you should definitely use capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, and make sure only you - and sometimes someone you trust - can remember.

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