Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Assignment #2: Privacy Please

1. Our medical records should be all digitally stored online for all medical professionals to access within the hospital when needed.

Medical records would be easier to keep track of and could be found by simply typing in the name of someone. It would move the process along faster and keep the records in a trustworthy place. The technological advancements would at hospitals are already very advanced and if records were kept digitally, the chances of them going missing or not being available would be very slim.

Keeping medical records stored in a computer could be more efficient, but if there is a power outage or something goes wrong within the system, they would not be able to be retrieved. Installing these systems would definitely cost a large amount of money, and that money could be put towards research done by the hospital or to purchase better equipment that is used most often and wears out quickly, like beds.

2. School report cards and daily attendance should be digital and passwords should be issued for parents to log in and check results.

Storing school report cards and daily attendance on a digital system could be the way of the future because it would be far easier for parents to know how their children are doing in school, and the attendance records would have a lower chance of being messed up. Report cards should be some of the safest kept documents by a school and keeping them in a safe digital program could clear up the stress of losing a student's report card forever! Plus, students would be able to see their report cards digitally and wouldn’t be able to lose them.

Schools should not store report cards and attendance digitally because even though parents would like the idea of being about to see all of their children's marks whenever they want, I personally would hate that and I don't think that this change should be made. Also, records could be lost in the system, even if an employee simply entered a name wrong. It would be a stressful system especially if issues happen in the system and no one’s attendance is marked for those days. Report cards could be lost and attendance could be recorded wrong, which could greatly affect someone’s exam mark!

3. Digital textbooks should replace entirely paper textbooks by 2020 in New Brunswick.

Digital textbooks should replace paper textbooks entirely by the year 2020 because students would have a lower chance of losing their books and it would also be more efficient to carry one small laptop to class rather than five heavy textbooks. This would also be a good change to make because it would benefit the students that take classes online greatly! They would have everything they need for their classes online and on one system, helping with organization and lowering the stress of losing a physical assignment. I personally think that this is a very good idea and if I was taking an online class I would love to store everything on one laptop.

Schools shouldn’t replace physical textbooks with digital copies by the year 2020 because there are still students that would not be able to afford a proper laptop with that much data to store multiple textbooks and the costs would probably higher for the digital convenience. Also, it would be easier to lose certain documents or forget to save them, which is impossible when it comes to completing assignments as a physical copy. Also, it would be inconvenient to have multiple, long classes throughout the day and have your number one source of information and note taking run out of battery life!

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